Jeri  DeVale, Ph.D.

I have had 30 years experience working with with individuals, couples, marriage, families, and businesses. I combine a holistic psychotherapy (mind-body-spirit philosophy with psychodynamic and therapeutic techniques and teaching life skills. People become more enlightened and confident as individuals allowing them to achieve more success, peace and happiness in their lives. People let go of their defensiveness and addictions, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, need to please others, fear of success, failure, intimacy, sexuality, and abandonment. For more info go to my web page at

(w)holistic means treating the whole person. Understanding that what affects the body affects the emotions, mind, and spirit and vice versa. treatment is transformational, transpersonal, humanistic, holistic. Teaching you to become your own therapist.

I am able to help people through anxiety and depression without the use of medication. I use bodywork-balancing the body, breathework-balancing the emotions, counseling-developing communication skills with yourself and others, psychodynamic and psychtherapeutic techniques to heal old wounds, meditation to balance the mind. I have extensive training in relationships.